classeq hydro 500 h506m h506pGlasswasher & Dishwasher Drain Pumps & Gravity Waste Explained


The diagrams below should help explain the difference between the gravity waste and the pumped waste versions of Classeq glass & dishwashers.



Gravity Waste.

The illustration below shows a typical set up of a gravity waste system. The drain is situated lower than the flexible waste outlet pipe from the back of the machine. The diagram also shows the use of a machine stand, which can be used to raise the machine higher than the drain if necessary.

commercial dishwasher & glasswaserh with gravity waste


Drain Pump or Pumped Waste.

As you can see in the illustration below the drain (in this case a stand pipe) is higher than the waste outlet on the back of the machine, therefore the waste water needs to be pumped out.

commercial dishwasher and glasswasher diagram showing pumped waste system


Classeq Dishwashers: Classeq D400      Classeq D500      Classeq D400Duo      Classeq D500Duo

Classeq Glasswashers: Classeq G350      Classeq G400      Classeq G500      Classeq G400Duo      Classeq G500Duo

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